Home-School communications
The school always endeavours to make parents
feel welcome when visiting or telephoning the school to discuss matters
of interest or concern. Please feel free to take advantage of the
opportunity to contact the school whenever the need arises. Where
possible please try to plan communication before or after school, or
during the lunch breaks.
Children like to see their parents at school,
whether you are attending a working bee, helping in the classrooms or
library or talking to a teacher. Such visits are encouraged. Visitors
are asked to report to the office, register and take a visitor badge.
At Malanda State School, we have also introduced the use of emails to keep our parents well informed and to help keep in touch. If you have an email, and have not already provided it the school, please see our office staff so we can add you to your child's class email list.
If you wish to talk to the Principal, please contact the office to make either a face-to-face or phone appointment.