Volunteers and Classroom Support
At Malanda State School, we encourage active
participation between the school, parents and local community.
This partnership
enables our school community to work together towards providing the best
possible supportive environment for your child and their learning.
There is a wide range of ways to participate in your
child’s education.
Parents are regularly invited to be involved in class
activities both inside and outside the classroom.
Parents are encouraged to participate in the operation of the school through a number of channels.
Attending P&C meetings
Becoming involved in various sub-committees that are formed from time to time
Assisting in the Tuckshop
Providing classroom assistance
Completing and returning surveys that are distributed from time to time as part of our school review process
Involvement in school activities and functions
NOTE: All volunteers 18 yrs+ (other than parents of children attending the school), must have a blue card BEFORE they can commence working with children. Please click
here to apply for a blue card.